Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Majority of Americans Reject Law on Health Care

A poll suggests most Americans oppose the reform of the health insurance law proposal of President Barack Obama, despite their strong support of most of the articles of the law. Reuters-Ipsos poll was conducted last week.

The Supreme Court is expected to announce his decision on a challenge to the initiative of the president's health insurance proposal Thursday.

Core of the Patient Protection Act and Affordable Care, the so-called "Obamacare" by its critics lies in the individual mandate. Mandate that requires every American has health insurance, starting in 2014, or could be fined.

Reuters poll showed 61 percent of Americans oppose the mandate, while 39 percent support it. The opponents of the prevailing health insurance program now says the government can not require people to buy insurance and believe the government will intervene in the decisions of individual doctors and treatments.

The survey says support for other aspects of Obama's health care program is quite strong.

- 82 percent of respondents supported a ban on insurance companies refuse to insure people who had been suffering from certain diseases;

- 61 percent support the provisions that allow children to remain as dependents in their parents' insurance until age 26;

- 72 percent support the provision that requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide insurance for their employees.

Mitt Romney, Republican presidential nominee, has promised to overturn the law that if she beat Obama in the upcoming November election. Romney called for a bipartisan effort to fix what is wrong in law that the American health insurance.

President Obama, who said he was imitating the reform was based on a health insurance plan endorsed Romney when he was governor of the state of Massachusetts, defended the legalization of medical insurance reform it.

source : http://www.voaindonesia.com

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Enaknya Dagang Asuransi

Akhir-akhir ini, banyak orang yang jengkel menghadapi perilaku para sales perusahaan asuransi. Terutama yang melakukan penawaran melalui telemarketing.
Selain bernada memaksa, para sales itu kerap menawarkan iming-iming berupa asuransi gratis. Padahal, jika dibandingan dengan harga produk yang ditawarkan, nilai dari gimmick itu tidak seberapa.
Contohnya seperti yang dilakukan sales sebuah perusahaan asuransi asing yang bekerjasama dengan satu bank terkemuka di Jakarta. Sang penjaja menawarkan sebuah produk unitlink seraya menyebutkan bahwa calon nasabah akan mendapatkan asuransi jiwa gratis senilai Rp50 juta, yang berlaku selama sebulan.
Perilaku serupa (menjanjikan bonus asuransi gratis) juga dilakukan agen penjual kendaraan bermotor, properti dan produk tabungan bank. “Ini sudah tidak benar,” kata Isa Rachmatawarta, Kepala Biro Perasuransian Bapepam-LK. Sebab, cara ini telah melanggar definisi asuransi seperti yang diatur di dalam undang-undang.
Dalam undang-undang disebutkan bahwa asuransi merupakan perjanjian dua pihak, antara nasabah dan perusahaan. Nasabah mempunyai kewajiban membayar premi, sementara perusahaan asuransi menjanjikan sejumlah santunan apabila terjadi peristiwa tertentu.
“Jadi, yang kami inginkan adalah agar asuransi tidak dianggap sebagai barang mahal. Tapi juga bukan produk gratisan,” kata Isa. Itu sebabnya, dalam waktu dekat ini, Bapepam-LK akan menurunkan kebijakan yang melarang promosi dengan menawarkan asuransi gratis.
Pantas, memang, kalau perusahaan asuransi berlomba memburu nasabah sebanyak-banyaknya. Sebab, setiap tahun, bisnis ini selalu mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dengan laba yang sangat menggiurkan. Perusahaan asuransi umum, contohnya, tahun lalu berhasil mendulang premi bruto hingga Rp34,3 triliun atau naik 19,5% dibanding pendapatan tahun sebelumnya.
Yang menarik, dari pemasukkan sebesar itu, di tahun yang sama perusahaan hanya membayar klaim sebesar 16,1%. Bisnis asuransi jiwa sangat cerah. Tahun lalu, juga perusahaan-perusahaan yang ada di bisnis ini berhasil mengumpulkan premi kotor Rp94,4 triliun atau naik 24,28%.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Asuransi menawarkan bunga dan hadiah

Apa yang Anda perlukan dari sebuah produk asuransi? Jawaban yang muncul pasti bermacam-macam, tergantung orangnya. Tapi, sesuai khittah-nya, asuransi tentu untuk melindungi nasabah.
Hal inilah yang menyebabkan seorang calon nasabah yang enggan disebutkan namanya ragu menerima rayuan agen asuransi. Calon nasabah ini bercerita tengah dirayu agen asuransi membeli produk proteksi plus investasi. Yakni Wal Invest, keluaran PT Wanaartha Adisarana Life Insurance (WanaArtha Life).
Ia menyebutkan bila ia membayar premi Rp 300 juta untuk tenor sebulan atau minimal Rp 100 juta (3 bulan-12 bulan) ia bisa mendapat hasil investasi lebih besar dari bunga deposito. Tenor sebulan, hasil investasi 5,5% dari premi, tiga bulan 7,75%, 6 bulan 8,25%, dan 12 bulan 8,75%.
Setelah tenor asuransi habis dan nasabah tak mengajukan klaim, premi akan kembali seluruhnya. Jika saat masa pertanggungan terjadi klaim, yakni nasabah meninggal karena kecelakaan, ahli waris akan mendapatkan maksimal Rp 2 miliar. "Agen ini juga menawarkan hadiah uang tunai Rp 4,5 juta bila menaruh dana Rp 500 juta untuk tenor minimal setahun, lalu Rp 9 juta bila premi Rp 1 miliar," kata dia.
Eddy KA Berutu, Chief Executive Officer WanaArtha Life, mengakui, produknya bisa memberikan imbal hasil investasi lebih besar dibandingkan deposito. Sayang, ia enggan menyebutkan portofolio investasi Wal Invest.
Namun, ia menegaskan, tenor Wal Invest setahun- 5 tahun, tak ada yang bulanan. "Hadiah uang tunai juga tidak ada," tegas Eddy. Menurutnya, hadiah adalah tindakan penyelewengan agen. Itu melanggar kontrak kerja dan kode etik perusahaannya. "Kami akan menelusuri dan menindaknya," ujar Eddy.
Isa Rachmatarwata, Kepala Biro Perasuransian Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) mengatakan, selain asuransi unitlink, ada produk asuransi jiwa yang menawarkan hasil investasi. Produk ini tak melanggar aturan. Namun ia janji memeriksa informasi ini, terutama soal hadiah itu
Produk asuransi jiwa dengan tawaran imbal hasil memang bertebaran di pasar. Antara lain seperti JS Saving Plan dan JS Plan Dollar dari Jiwasraya. Manulife Indonesia dengan Manulife Investa dan banyak lagi.
Meski begitu, investor harus tetap waspada. Apalagi, ada kasus gagal bayar produk asuransi plus investasi. Salah satunya Bakrie Life yang merugikan ratusan nasabah dengan nilai investasi Rp 300 miliar. Hingga kini, nasabah belum dapat pengembalian dana.

source : kontan.co.id

Friday, June 22, 2012

Bapepam-LK Akan Menertibkan Iklan Asuransi Gratis

Hati-hati bagi para pelaku bisnis asuransi yang getol beriklan memberikan asuransi gratis bagi nasabah mereka. Regulator industri perasuransian di Tanah Air mulai gerah dengan iklan tersebut lantaran menyalahi definisi asuransi dalam undang-undang perasuransian.

Kini, Biro Perasuransian Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) mengkaji beleid soal iklan asuransi gratis, agar masyarakat tidak salah persepsi. Isa Rachmatarwata, Kepala Biro Perasuransian Bapepam-LK, menegaskan bahwa tidak ada asuransi dengan dalil premi gratis. Sesuai dengan undang-undang, asuransi merupakan perjanjian dari kedua belah pihak. Pihak pertama membayar premi, lalu pihak lain menjanjikan santunan apabila terjadi peristiwa tertentu.

Hal ini berarti, ada kesepakatan pembayaran antara kedua belah pihak. Namun, belakangan ini banyak yang mengklaim memberikan asuransi secara gratis pada pembelian produk tertentu. Hal ini antara lain produk tabungan di beberapa bank, penjualan kendaraan bermotor, properti, hingga produk investasi seperti reksadana, yang menjanjikan asuransi kesehatan hingga jiwa secara gratis kepada para nasabah yang membeli.

Isa menegaskan, tidak melarang pemberian asuransi kepada pembeli produk tertentu itu. Masalahnya adalah bahasa iklan agar pengungkapannya lebih baik. "Regulasinya sedang kami siapkan," kata Isa, akhir pekan lalu.

Bapepam-LK khawatir, bila iklan-iklan tersebut tidak ditertibkan, bisa menimbulkan salah persepsi di masyarakat. "Kita ingin asuransi dipahami bukan selalu produk mahal, tapi tidak juga ingin orang mendapatkan secara gratis," ungkapnya.

Untuk menyusun regulasi, regulator juga akan mengundang asosiasi asuransi dalam waktu dekat ini. Hal ini demi mendapatkan masukan dari pelaku usaha.

Julian Noor, Direktur Eksekutif Asosiasi Asuransi Umum Indonesia (AAUI), mendukung upaya regulator. AAUI sepakat, industri harus mempunyai arahan, sehingga masyarakat tidak salah persepsi tentang suatu produk asuransi. "Paling tidak, ada arahan sehingga iklannya lebih tepat dan tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman," terangnya.

sumber : kompas

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The benefits of having Life Insurance For Family

The word insurance may already be familiar to you that have worked. Insurance as you all know is a guarantee of safety if unexpected things happen before. In ancient times the insurance is something that is considered a luxury and only intended for certain people only. But now the insurance has started to spread throughout the community.

Many kinds of insurance itself, namely life insurance, health insurance, vehicle insurance, property insurance or home insurance and education. Of the various kinds of insurance above, each type has their usefulness. But the important is an insurance for your family?

There are some people argue that life insurance has the functionality to protect one's income. In the sense that every person who has the income should be required to have insurance even more so if someone has a family.

If you are someone who has had a family means you have dependents you should memilliki insured. Here the insured is living or intended to finance the income your dependents.

If something happens that does not want to you as the backbone of the family, then your family will lose their source of income and lead to financial instability of the family. Different if you have life insurance, the family you left behind still have a source of income of life insurance you have.

Thus the views of the importance of life insurance benefits are so wise you should consider life insurance to take care of your family and yourself. Permi insurance payments each month should also be considered.

If you have a considerable number of dependents, the payment of insurance premiums to be slightly larger to provide for your family. Calculation of premiums at least you negotiate with, at least you consider to provide for the family to have a spine replacement. For example, until the oldest child and an adult you can support his wife and her sister, or until your wife coined the work can be a source of family income in case that does not want to yourself.

How the Future of Private Health Insurance After BPJS?

On January 1, 2014, Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) is expected to be operational. BPJS This will ensure all Indonesian people can access basic health services. In BPJS, all previous public health insurance programs will merge into one, including Askes, Jamkesmas, Social Security and Jampersal.

Government of Indonesia plans to require all residents to participate BPJS by paying monthly dues. Whose contributions range may be about USD 15000-27000 per month, but has not been determined because it is still awaiting discussion. Because this program is not profit oriented, so if the number of excess or considered objections could still face down again.

For people who already have private insurance, wamenkes urged not to worry because BPJS intended to cover basic health services. People who have private insurance can choose the treatment to other hospitals that are better suited to their financial capabilities.

"People who already have private insurance still have to go BPJS to meet basic health needs. BPJS point is mutual cooperation, a healthy helping the sick, the rich helping the poor and the young helping the old," said Ghufron Mukti Ali, Deputy Minister of Health in a press conference on the implementation of the Ministry of Health BPJS, Friday (11/05/2012).

Wamenkes BPJS plan will work closely with private insurance so that participants BPJS not have to pay 2 times for health insurance. As for people who can not afford for that reason can not be paid for by the government.

In this program, each participant may enroll their family members through dues paid by the participants. The participants will be borne by any treatment, including an expensive operation as the operation of heart failure and chronic renal failure.

But there are also a limited health services such as eyeglasses should not change every 2 years. Types of health services that are not caused by disruption of bodily functions would not be guaranteed. Examples surgery for plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons.

Currently, the government focused on residents who do not have health insurance at all. For example, poor, poor pre and residents who do not have a fixed wage.

"We have guaranteed Jamkesmas 76.4 million. In 2013 we added 10 million more people will be paid by the government budget. Total membership became the focus of the government because our resources are limited," said Wamenkes.

Government focus on Jamkesmas because of poor communities is still less than optimal use. Moreover, the poor are still not aware of new health and see a doctor or health care center when the pain got worse. So no wonder if the cost of hospitalization in patients Jamkesmas greater.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Types of Insurance

New types of insurance or a variety of insurance products currently being circulated in Indonesian society. Various types of insurance in the community began to grow, in risk management, insurance allows the sharing and transfer risk, this is the best way to compensate. Most people do not understand the fundamental differences in the types of insurance, but insurance program to determine the most suitable to the needs, we should see more of the types of insurance.

Life Insurance is a promise written in the insurance policy, which is made by the insurer to the insured, to provide financial compensation if something happens to the insured.

Insurance consists of several products. Each of these types of products have different benefits in order to serve a wide range of customer needs and capabilities.
The following types of insurance under the Life Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAJI) in the official website:

1. Term life insurance (Term)
Characteristic of this lies in the maximum protection with a relatively low premiums. Therefore, this type of product attractive to prospective insured who have large insurance needs, but its purchasing power is limited.

Who fits with this policy?
• Prospective policyholders who want to protect the future of their children.
• Prospective policyholders new career.

2. Life insurance (Whole Life)
Characteristic of this insurance is a basic type of permanent life insurance provides lifetime insurance protection.

Who fits with this product?
• Prospective policyholders who want to have a soul as well as protection produce a savings fund that can be used for emergency needs.
• Prospective policyholders who need permanent income protection (hospital bill).
• Prospective policyholders who want to get some capital growth investment.

3. Endowment life insurance (Endowment)
Characteristic of this insurance is a protection that gives the amount of money insured when the insured dies within a specified period, and provide the entire sum assured if he was still alive at the end of the coverage.

Because it provides two benefits, insurance, endowment or a unit is called a link. This product is useful for prospective policyholders who want to be protected from the financial impact due to premature death.

Who fits with this product?
• Prospective policyholders who need the funds for the education of children.
• Prospective policyholders who want to have some funds for future needs.
• Prospective policyholders who want to have a pension fund.

Endowment insurance is divided into two types, namely:

a). Unit Linked Life Insurance Single (Single Premium)

Characteristic of Unit Link Insurance Single (Single Premium) is the premium paid in a lump sum or lump sum. Usually a single premium desired by prospective policyholders who want to invest long term. Who fits with this product?
• Prospective policyholders who like to invest long-term
• Prospective policyholders who have excess money (idle money) and intends to increase his wealth.

b). Regular Unit Linked Life Insurance (Regular Premium)

Characteristic of Unit Link Insurance Regular (Regular Premium) is also a long-term investment, where in the policy set the method of payment, which is done periodically or regularly. Purchased the unit so the premium is received.

Who fits this product:
• Prospective policyholders who prefer to play in the protection
• Prospective policyholders who like to play in investment but still want to be protected
• Prospective policyholders who are still working and want to set up savings.

That is a summary of information on the types of insurance or a variety of insurance products. I hope you choose the right insurance product suits your needs and your financial capabilities.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Significant growth in insurance

The growth of the insurance industry in Indonesia continues to show a trend to increase significantly. It was also pointed out a life insurance company AIA Financial (Financial AIA) to score new business premium growth of 48.6 percent from Rp 1.06 trillion in 2010 to Rp 1.57 trillion in 2011.

Encouraging growth also occurred for the total assets of Rp 20.11 trillion previously in 2010 grew by 13 percent to Rp 22.72 trillion. "We are delighted with our performance throughout 2011. The new business premium and total premium income to grow dramatically, "said AIA President Carl S Financial Gustini, in Jakarta, Monday (30/4).

He explained, exhilarating performance also occurred in total premium income (including premium sharia). Total premium income rose 24.5 percent from Rp 3.5 trillion in 2010 to Rp 4.36 trillion in 2011.

Of that amount, especially for premium income reached Rp 219.36 billion sharia, up 89.8 percent from the previous year amounting to Rp 115.58 billion.

In addition, said Gustini, AIA Financial also noted an increase in the amount of claims payments. At 2010 earlier, the total payment of claims totaling Rp 2.31 trillion, while in 2011 rose 8.4 percent to Rp 2.5 trillion.

Then for investment, throughout 2011, the AIA issued a total investment of 21.6 trillion sebesarRp Financial. The number was up 14 percent from the previous year amounting to Rp 18.95 trillion.

Gustini added, the ratio of risk-based capital (RBC) Financial AIA as a measure of the strength and solvency of the company also grew significantly. Special RBC conventional business, rose to 182 percent of 505 percent in 2010 to 687 percent.

As for the RBC Shariah business rose 71 percent from -48 percent to 23 percent. That figure far surpassed the minimum requirements set at the government. As applicable, RBC must be at least 120 percent of conventional and Islamic businesses to a minimum of 5 percent.

Gustini admit, growth over 2011 was also driven strong performance in the 4th quarter last year. It was also evident from the reported release of the Life Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAJI) which shows the performance of new business premium income in which the total weight of AIA Financial grew rapidly in the 4th quarter last year.

That brings up the position of Financial AIA to-5 for the year 2011. In the previous year, AIA Financial position is at number nine.

"We have more people of Indonesia that has happened protection through insurance policies AIA Financial. This is a form of our appreciation, Paramitra bank, as well as the premiere agency we are proud of, "he said.

It said it would continue to work hard mempersembah the best products and service to the people of Indonesia. Thus, it can assist them in meeting the needs of protection and savings.

Described, AIA Financial is one of the life insurance company subsidiary of AIA Group. AIA Financial offers a variety of insurance products including insurance with Islamic principles which include life insurance, health, accident, employee welfare programs, investment-related insurance, severance programs, and pension plans.

All products that are marketed by more than 10,000 agents and professionals with experience through various distribution channels such as agency, bancassurance, and corporate solutions.

"Top-seeded and AIA Financial performance is also evidenced by the many awards received in the life insurance industry in Indonesia in recent years," he said.

Based on the record, AIA Group Limited, which is now known as AIA, was first established in Shanghai in 90 years ago. AIA is a market leader in the Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan) based on life insurance premiums and occupied the leading position in the majority of shares.

Based on the record as of 30 November 2011, AIA has assets totaling 114 461 million individual policyholders totaling approximately 24 million and more than 10 million participants policyholders collection.

Growing interest in insurance

Apparently, the distribution of insurance products seems more widespread this year. The proof, premium income of insurance companies per quarter of 2012 increased compared to the same period in 2011. Of course this is a blessing for the insurance company, because profit also increased.

BNI Life Insurance, for example, pocketed the gross premium income of Rp 1.2 trillion, grew 35%. Most of the premium income from agency services reached 70%, the rest of bancassurance. "Changes in agency commissions helped boost system performance," explains Hendrisman Rahim, Managing Director of BNI on Wednesday (2/5).

Changes in the system include commission corresponding premium revenue. That is, the greater the premium income, is to pocket the commission is greatly increased. Unfortunately, Hendrisman reluctant to tell the amount of agency commission.

Most of the premium income from insurance products Jiwasraya trandisional, which contributed 80% of its revenue. The rest, of unitlink products. "We will issue a new unitlink to contribute more and more," he said.

The strategy is to pursue the achievement of the target premium of Rp 5.3 trillion this year. In 2011, gross premium income reached Rp 4.78 trillion Jiwasraya with a profit of Rp 394.11 billion. For this quarter, earnings Hendrisman secret achievement.

Property Insurance Products Safe (AHAP) is also increasing demand in the market. Based on the company's financial statements, total gross premium income per March 31, 2012 reached Rp 36 billion, growing 22% over the same period last year. Company claims the benefit under the weight of reduced 8% to $ 7.1 billion.

While investment returns AHAP grew 34% to $ 987.78 million. This further mengatrol net income into the pockets of the company, rose 27% to $ 2.8 billion.

In the same period, insurance premium income Arta Community Development Fund also rose rapidly. Stating the company's financial statements, premium income reached Rp 175.6 billion, grew 20%. Meanwhile, claims expenses rose less, only 14% to $ 97.7 billion.

Return on investments increased 42% to $ 13.2 billion. As a result, net profit rose 39% to $ 61.6 billion.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Health insurance restrictions tightened

Finance Ministry to tighten supervision of the financial soundness of insurance and reinsurance. Beleid is contained in the latest, the Ministry of Finance (PMK) No. 53 of 2012 on Health Insurance and Reinsurance Company. This rule is effective from next year. Many new things in the beleid. One of them, related to risk-based management application in calculating solvency. Solvency is the difference between the amount of assets to liabilities of the company's total operating expenses. The amount of solvency is at least 100% of the minimum risk-based capital. Later, the company must set a target of the lowest solvency of 120%. If the target is not reached, they were forbidden to carry out the plan change in strategy, business development even. Minimum risk-based capital is the amount of funds in anticipation of the risk of loss arising from the deviation of the asset and liability management. In other words, companies must be prepared to provide funds to pay claims even if it is losing customers. For unitlink sell insurance, minimum capital should be greater. You see, there is an additional burden to be taken into account in order to anticipate minimum capital case of default as in PT Bakrie Indonesia Insurance in 2009. In addition, this rule also details the investment system. Investments in time deposits limited to a maximum of 15%, whereas previously 20%, the maximum stake of 10% per issuer and a maximum of 40% overall. While the funds may only be trimmed 15% per investment manager with a total maximum of 50% of the total investment. This rule also cut investments in affiliated companies at most 10%, prior to 20%. Interestingly, beleid recently given permission to invest in pure gold, at most 10% of the total investment. Head of Insurance Bureau of Bapepam-LK, Rachmatarwata Isa said it is issuing this rule from now on to the insurance industry can learn. Thus the business has time to adjust to the new beleid. "The bottom line this year to see the readiness of first offender," said Isa, last weekend. Jesus also promised, immediately invited the parties to socialize these rules.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Choosing a good insurance company is not easy. Moreover, in the midst of intense competition among insurance companies today.
Many insurance companies claim they are the best. It can be seen that there is an insurance product offered to the public through advertisements, almost none the less. Similarly, the performance they do, always accentuate the fine. Management of insurance companies rather rarely express their weaknesses are natural.

However, there are several factors that should be considered in the process of selecting an insurance company, especially for life insurance and loss.
The thing to keep in mind that in choosing a private insurance company, then that should be considered in general are three factors: First, the financial strength (security). Second, the service (service). And third, the cost.
Financial strength of insurance related to the company's financial ability to fulfill its promise if the situation requires. It is important to know, because not a few insurance companies are looking at the flashy exterior. For example storey building, vehicle good directors. But when there claims of customers, the company can not afford to pay.
In assessing the financial strength of these there are several benchmarks that need attention.
1. Assets and liabilities. This can be seen from the consolidated balance sheet is published in the newspaper. See also, whether the investment is planted in the current or longterm. In terms of liability (ability to pay off liabilities) will look at the balance sheet, how the debts to the reinsurer, how he fulfilled his obligation to pay claims, and so forth.
Indicators of net liabilities include equity (own capital) divided by net premiums (net premiums) of at least 50%. Equity divided by gross premium (gross premium) of at least 20%. Limit the level of solvency, as seen from its own capital divided by net premiums of at least 10% and investment funds technical reserves divided by a minimum of 100%.
2. Underwriting Policy. On the balance sheet and annual report will be seen that the insurance is still a profit, or profit growth. This means underwiting polcy was good.
3. Its underwriters. Insurance has personnel qualified or not. It is known from a company profile that includes the underwriters it.
Services (service) is a reflection of the extent of human resources at the company's qualified or not. Moreover, the insurance company is selling a service, so excellent service is the key. For example, the extent to which the speed of service in both the policy issue especially in the payment of compensation or claims. In addition, about the service can actually be felt by the customer. Is this insurance company was absolutely the best service for its customers.

In this connection it should also be questioned, whether the insurance company in reinsurance mereasuransikan class safety. This can be seen from its annual report. It is important to note, because if the company is not in - backed up by reinsurance, the company is likely to be speculative in receiving the premiums.
The problem is how much the cost incurred by insurance companies in operation. If it is greater than the cost of income, then obviously the company is not efficient. If it's not efficient, it will end up losing money. And if you continually lose money, certainly not healthy.
In this connection may also see the price premiums. Compare prices of insurance premiums with other insurance. Where the quality is really good.
Today the government has set a benchmark of health insurance (not the only one) is through mekanime RBC (risk capital base). If the number of RBC, this means the company is valued in good condition. But we should not be fixated solely with RBC numbers. Therefore, it could also be a large company that is doing a major expansion like to open many branches, then the RBC numbers would be small.
In contrast, there is a small insurance company but never to expand, the RBC number was probably much greater.
Thus, RBC numbers can not be used as the sole measure of whether the insurance company is healthy or not.
In this case, also noteworthy is the company's performance in two or three years. How big profits every year, how much gross premiums they receive each year, how much additional capital and assets every year.
And last but not least is how the behavior of the management company for this. Is there a management company for this broken promise? Has the management of these companies have defaulted, and so forth.

Aviva Insurance Indonesia hoist the retail portion

After becoming the focus of work on the corporate segment length, Aviva Insurance PT Indonesia finally targeting the retail segment. This year, Aviva Indonesia retail terkerek target contribution of 30% from the previous year only 15%. Vice President Director of Indonesia Albert Wanandi Aviva, said they wanted to balance the product portfolio.

To support this plan, Aviva plans to add two new types of products unitlink and health insurance. Planned for the second semester of this year rolled products on the market. "It can license from Bapepam-​​LK, this flagship product to boost premiums," said Alberth, on Friday (13/4).

The presence of these two products are expected to hoist the retail premium. For all this, the contribution of premium retail is still miniature in Aviva Indonesia. Because they rely on a single new product launched unitlink the middle of last year.

Aviva Indonesia not only rely on new products to hoist the premium. Albert said, they are also planning to increase the distribution channels through direct marketing. During these products still rely on Aviva retail banking channels. Aviva recorded already established cooperation with 12 banks. "Now is exploring with 4 new bank," he continued.

With the addition of co-operation, retail sales growing demand. Understandably so far, the contribution of corporate and broker distribution channels dominate, ie 85% of the total acquisition premium. Additional new bank is expected to help increase the contribution of banking.

In addition, Aviva corporate segment in a big way because they rely on products employ benefit. Last year, employ benefit contributed 85%, whereas 10% of credit life insurance and unitlink 5%. Albert explained, employ a large benefit because since 1998 has been developed.

Unfortunately Albert was not ready to disclose the acquisition of this insurance premiums last throughout 2011. But he sure contributed Aviva Indonesia is relatively small. But economic growth in Indonesia as well, Albert optimistic about the better.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This insurance company that recorded a decrease in premiums

Fierce competition of motor vehicle insurance business throughout 2011 casualties. Last year, the acquisition of premium vehicles in the four insurance companies that take the floor at the stock dwindled. Motor vehicle insurance premiums Safe Assets Pratama (AHAP) fell 17% to Rp 75.82 billion, compared to Rp 90.98 billion the previous year.

President of AHAP, Sunyata Wangsadarma admitted, competition is increasingly severe. In fact, the management of difficult motor vehicle premiums. They have to manage the garage to the client. While the premium is small and very high-risk claims. As a result, players are not high growth businesses. "In our automobile insurance only to decline, others continued to grow well," Sunyata, Monday (9/4).

Although decreased, the total contribution of motor vehicle premiums AHAP still dominates 46% of total premiums last year of about Rp 165 billion. The rest of the property 21%, miscellaneous 29%, and transport of 4%. Sunyata targeting, increased automobile insurance premiums in order to pursue a target total of Rp 250 billion. After all, if hard up, they've got a recipe to rely on personal accident insurance. "Let the small, from many, personal accident insurance can be a mainstay," he said.

Insurance Services Tania same fate. Acquisition of motor vehicle insurance premiums shrank 35.6% to Rp 38.73 billion, from USD 59 billion a year earlier. As a result, total premiums last year to be Rp 171 billion, down 4.5% than the previous year to Rp 179 billion. Financial Services Director Tania, Slamet Solikhun said, competition is tight motor insurance last year. "The risk of motor vehicle claims too high," said Solikhun.

In 2012, Tania Sale of motor vehicles are still hoping to get up. If it does not happen, Tania Services will rely on a variety of insurance, personal accident insurance. In the first quarter of 2012, personal accident insurance premiums accounted for Rp 45 billion.

Tania service to pursue new personal accident insurance this year. According Solikhun, hard to expect a motor vehicle insurance. "Hopefully still growing, but the personal accident insurance is quite helpful," he explained.

Two other insurance companies have similar conditions. Ramayana insurance premium income recorded a decrease in motor vehicle 7.7% to Rp 131 billion from Rp 142 billion the previous year. Only the premium contributions of motor vehicles declined. Property insurance, transportation, order ships, engineering, insurance, and miscellaneous printing premium contributions increase, with total premium of Rp 533 billion last year.

Insurance Partners Dayin record 4.6% decline in motor vehicle insurance premiums to $ 48 billion compared to USD 50 billion in 2010. Dayin Partners scored a total premium of Rp 405 billion.

Competition to be the cause of decline in four insurance. General Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAUI) records, motor vehicle insurance premium of Rp 10.23 trillion last year, growing 13.8% in 2010 compared to Rp 8.9 trillion. This means that there are other companies that made the market the other players.

source : keuangan.kontan.co.id

Micro-insurance more appealing

Although the terms of the amount of the premium was as high as other types of insurance, microinsurance lure more appealing. You see, insurance is targeting the middle to bottom, that exceeded half the population of Indonesia. Not surprisingly, insurance companies too busy to enlarge the income from a business niche on this one.

Just a reminder, a micro-insurance protection products with low prices and limited coverage. As in Chartis Insurance Indonesia, market micro insurance package, ranging from Rp 50,000 per year with a maximum of Rp 30 million of coverage. "This year we are targeting micro-insurance premium income grew 20% compared to the year 2011 amounting to Rp 16 billion," said Muwafick Hidayat, Head of Micro Insurance, Chartis Indonesia, last weekend.
Referring to World Bank study in 2011, there were approximately 77 million people in Indonesia who do not have the financial protection and savings. As a result when to die, fall ill, crop failure, or loss of employment was forced to seek bail. They became the target market is Chartis Insurance. "They need protection, but at an affordable price," said Muwafick.

Chartis is preparing the appropriate technology to develop micro-insurance market segments. This is a technology that allows the owners of grocery stores, food stalls entrepreneurs, artists, or other micro entrepreneurs can access. You see, they are micro-insurance market segments. "In order to hook new customers, we will also market these products in conjunction with micro-credit offerings by other companies," said Muwafick.

Hendrisman Rahim, Managing Director of PT BNI Life Insurance recognizes, is a small micro-insurance premiums. However, because the market is large, the potential revenues could also rise.

Throughout the year 2011, the contribution of micro-insurance premiums in the new BNI around
Rp 200 billion. Most were from outside the market Jawa.Tahun 2012, insurers are targeting the red plate micro-insurance premiums contributed Rp 300 billion to Rp 400 billion.

To achieve these targets, relying Jiwasraya via cooperative marketing. This strategy is more effective than relying on agents. You see, the more cooperative approach to the community in small towns.

source : keuangan.kontan.co.id

BIP Thinking that Parking Insurance for Visitors Comfort

Mal management of Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP) approved insurance claims applied the parking manager for the convenience of park visitors. However, the BIP did not know about the lack of insurance regulation in the parking of vehicles in the newly enacted Perwal 5 April 2012.

"As we leave the building management arrangements with third parties (business park). Which they have coordinated with the government. There Perwal After this, it does not regulate insurance issues. Then from the secure parking formulate any separate insurance. The management approve, "said mall Marketing Communications Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP) Tubagus Feisal Joseph.

He told reporters at the mall BIP, Jalan Merdeka, Monday (04/09/2012). For details on insurance, says Good, a secure parking management affairs. "In essence we would not be against the rules. It's just a miscommunication between managers BIP parking management," said Good.

From the first, in the mall parking lot BIP no vehicle insurance. So, continued good, it wants to offer a convenience for visitors to determine the cost of insurance.

"It now seems to not need insurance. But when it's gone, regardless of insurance must be willing to pay," said Good.

On 5 April 2012 then, the City Government Mayor of London sets the rules (Perwal) No 163/2012 on Rent, Parking Management and Technical Guidelines for parking at the Court House and Parking in the city of Bandung. That is, all parking in the city of Bandung uniform.

However, while the implementation in the field, BIP mal insurance costs would apply to motorists who park. Insurance is set at Rp 1,000 per hour for cars and $ 500 per hour applies to motorcycles.

Chairman of the Parliament of Bandung Erwan Setiawan furious with the rule. Erwan assess the cost of insurance that does not fit Perwal and illegal.

source : bandung.detik.com

CREDIT INSURANCE: Askrindo ready to receive premium Rp382, 15 billion

PT Indonesian Credit Insurance will guarantee loans with a value of Rp23 trillion in premiums estimated at up to Rp382, 15 billion in cooperation with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk, PT Bank State Savings Insurance Agency Ltd. and Export Indonesia.

Director of Credit Insurance Indonesia (Askrindo) Anthony CS Napitupulu disclose such cooperation related to underwriting small loans (KUR), housing finance liquidity facility (FLPP) and import-export credit guarantee.

"The cooperation with BRI [Bank Rakyat Indonesia] is related to automated underwriting KUR. This year KUR target total is expected to reach Rp30 trillion, we hope to guarantee about half, it be fair for two with Jamkrindo [Public Enterprise Credit Guarantee Indonesia], less is more Rp15 trillion, "he said, today, 9 April 2012.

Automated underwriting KUR is a computerized system that connects the data KUR Askrindo BRI with a data system to facilitate the verification process guarantees recipients a prospective customer. Anthony continued, through underwriting KUR Rp15 trillion, Askrindo obtain a premium estimated Rp341, 25 billion or equal to 2.275% of the total value of loans guaranteed.

Meanwhile, cooperation with the State Savings Bank (BTN) through the company's FLPP program to get a premium of 0.37% of the total value of Rp 7 trillion ataus underwriting ebesar Rp25, 9 billion. With a total value, Askrindo projected to guarantee loans to 200,000 homes throughout Indonesia.

Furthermore, Anthony added, cooperation with Indonesia Export Insurance Agency (LPEI) has so far not guarantee a certain target value. But he projected the first phase, the company can guarantee Rp500 billion to Rp1 trillion, export credits.

Meanwhile, the first phase expected to last for 1 year - 2 years is projected premium of 1% - 1.5%. So the company is estimated to earn a premium of up to Rp15 billion.

"For the BTN and BRI, because this program FLPP and KUR, there is a fixed rate that has been allocated to it, with LPEI is because trade with the private sector, then there has been no allocation of the fixed rate," he explained.

However, Anthony is optimistic target of LPEI can guarantee to increase with a positive export outlook. He added 500 billion - Rp 1 trillion is a minimum target for the export conditions are still depressed due to the instability of the world economy.

He believes Europe and America after the crisis passed, the volume of credit guaranteed by the company will increase along with growth in exports.

source : www.bisnis.com