To support this plan, Aviva plans to add two new types of products unitlink and health insurance. Planned for the second semester of this year rolled products on the market. "It can license from Bapepam-LK, this flagship product to boost premiums," said Alberth, on Friday (13/4).
The presence of these two products are expected to hoist the retail premium. For all this, the contribution of premium retail is still miniature in Aviva Indonesia. Because they rely on a single new product launched unitlink the middle of last year.
Aviva Indonesia not only rely on new products to hoist the premium. Albert said, they are also planning to increase the distribution channels through direct marketing. During these products still rely on Aviva retail banking channels. Aviva recorded already established cooperation with 12 banks. "Now is exploring with 4 new bank," he continued.
With the addition of co-operation, retail sales growing demand. Understandably so far, the contribution of corporate and broker distribution channels dominate, ie 85% of the total acquisition premium. Additional new bank is expected to help increase the contribution of banking.
In addition, Aviva corporate segment in a big way because they rely on products employ benefit. Last year, employ benefit contributed 85%, whereas 10% of credit life insurance and unitlink 5%. Albert explained, employ a large benefit because since 1998 has been developed.
Unfortunately Albert was not ready to disclose the acquisition of this insurance premiums last throughout 2011. But he sure contributed Aviva Indonesia is relatively small. But economic growth in Indonesia as well, Albert optimistic about the better.
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